Investing in your family is always a good thing however research consistently shows that women are more likely to take time out of paid work to care for children. This leads to a short fall when it comes to retirement savings. The latest research from ASFA shows a 25% difference, with the median balance for those aged 60 to 64 at $211, 996 for men and $158, 806 for women.
Market volatility: don't panic
Financial setbacks: a story of recovery
Financial setbacks hurt. They are not uncommon and happen for many reasons. If this has happened to you or someone you know it is important to know that you can rebuild. 15 years ago, a new client appeared on our doorstep seeking advice on how to get back on his feet. We love this story as it is a pin up case study on the benefit of a financial planner and a disciplined client working together.
Cost of living relief to taxpayers: how to optimise savings
In recent years, the Australian government has implemented significant tax reforms aimed at providing cost of living relief to taxpayers. Most notable are the stage 3 tax cuts, which come into effect on 1 July 2024. These changes will amend personal income tax rates and thresholds, offering tax relief for all income earners.
This provides a timely juncture to review your financial plan. Get in touch with your adviser about the best solution for your individual circumstances to ensure you maximise potential benefits of these tax savings.
Federal Budget 2024/2025: What does it mean for you?
On Tuesday evening, the treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down his third Labor Budget. A Budget surplus of $9.3 billion is forecasted for 2023-24 which will be short-lived with an underlying cash deficit of $28.3 billion is expected in 2024-25 (and a $42.8 billion deficit for 2025-26). The Budget noted a weak and uncertain global economy where growth is forecast to remain subdued over the next few years.