If managing money feels daunting you are not alone. It’s one of the main reasons people come to see us for financial planning advice. Often clients arrive feeling overwhelmed about how to deal with their finances. This was the case for Claire. Aged 55 and recently divorced Claire had no experience in handling money. She was fraught with fear for her future and didn’t know what to do.
In partnership with the Fortnum Foundation, Dobbrick Financial Services proudly sponsors an organisation called Love Mercy Australia. Love Mercy exists to empower communities in northern Uganda to overcome poverty caused by the horrors of war. Their vision is to see communities in northern Uganda thriving independently, by increasing access to health care, clean water, food security and income generation.
It is very satisfying to see these projects having impact on the ground. Here is an update on their progress..
How a financial plan can change your life
Financial planning is ultimately a story about people and lifestyle. The truth is that if you get on top of your financial situation will be empowered with choice – to do the things you want to do on this short time we have on the planet! A financial planner can help you set some goals and come up with a realistic strategy for achieving them.
5 tips if you want to build your wealth
If you are wanting to set yourself up for the future there are some simple strategies you can put in place. Tell your money where to go instead of asking where it went. Start small and start now. Find ways to minimise tax. Stay in control of your debts and get on the same page as your partner. Ipswich Financial Planner Megan Hodge is passionate about helping clients achieve their goals. She shares her insights here.
Economic outlook: February 2023
The business world is reporting a mood of cautious optimism about the economic global and national outlook for 2023, according to a recent survey released by JP Morgan. 59% of respondents are feeling positive about the future which is heartening. Yet, 46% of Australian business leaders are saying they expect a recession this year. This is significant and worth paying attention to.